Vega Chest


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  • Art. 930

    Length: 140 cm
    Width: 51 cm
    Height: 90 cm

    In an entryway or in a cozy corner of the room, you will find a beautiful vintage-style chest of drawers that exudes a unique charm. The slightly curved sides add a touch of softness to its design, inviting you to get closer and explore its interior. But what really captivates the eye are the vertical colored lines that adorn the front of the dresser. These meticulously designed lines add a touch of liveliness to the appearance of your two drawers.

    Customizable in size and finish.

  • Weight 100 kg
  • Infinitas posibilidades: elija entre diferentes acabados y juegue con las dimensiones y las características interiores.

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    Todo se fabrica a medida y solo tienes que escribir un mail a detallando los cambios que necesitas para que enviemos el diseño y su precio.


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