Mueble Reina L170


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  • Art. 22231

    Length: 170 cm
    Width: 45 cm
    Height: 60 cm

    The Reina series is a contrast of interests, an infinite sum of wooden moldings that make up drawer fronts and doors. The continuous juxtaposition of a series of stylized slats with different shapes, colors and thickness, bring these pieces closer to a sculptural ensemble, to a global work of art. For this specific piece we have used Pardo color for the structure and legs and for the front a multicolored finish based on Rojo, Azul Prusia, Aguamarina, Verde Manzana, Marfil, Plata patina, Beig patina, Topo and Pardo.

    Cuatro puertas con balda interiores se mimetizan entre sus coloridos listones.

  • Endless possibilities: choose between different finishes and play with the dimensions and interior features. You can see all our finishes here Todo se fabrica a medida y solo tienes que escribir un mail a detallando los cambios que necesitas para que enviemos el diseño y su precio.

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